College at a Glance
The year 1984 of the last century was an eventful year and epoch in the history of Garoimari and its neighbouring areas. At that time, a handful of people got knowledge literacy, the logic of higher education,by and large,disappeared in the area. It was almost beyond the dream of generating higher educated people from a man-power producing industry establishing in Garoimari. A few among all could realise the need of higher education. Among them,we must to take the name of the following personalities like Omor ali Sarkar(the founder president of Managing Committee),Abdul Hakim(the founder secretary), many other who endeavoured their relentless effort in establishing the college. Abdul Qayyum Al Aman took pioneer responsibility as Honourary Principal of the college when regular classes started. He played an active and pioneering role in shaping and moulding the foundation of the college. Besides, the contribution of all the MLAs of Chhaygaon Constituency since 1980 till date aren’t less memorable for their all kind of assistance. Garoimari is mostly dominated by the minority Muslims people dependent basically on agrarian economy, the people of the area extended spontaneous support to establish a college. The mission of the college was to spread the ray of the higher education by breaking the barrier of darkness among the rural people. Read More
At the outset, I would like to offer my gratefulness to those great personalities who at the cost of their selfless effort gifted us F.A.Ahmed College for enriching the area with light of higher education.
I am Privileged offering my service as a teacher rather than any other profession.Education is part and parcel to change the mind-set of the people. Aims of education should not be confined within the 3R’s only, rather to be far ahead of this periphery. The prime objective of higher education is to liberalise the thought of democratic people which is very essential walk in the google world.
To provide quality higher education to the students of this greater Goroimari area in particular and the students of the state and the nation in general.
To encourage the students for participating in extra-curricular activities like games and sports, cultural programmes etc.
To serve the rural people through extension education by the modern knowledge and techniques in solving the rural problems.
To promote the national integration and peace building among the people.
To develop awareness towards the conservation of environment with the goal of sustainable development.
To encourage the women education for the upliftment of women community.